abdabs - So nervous, you jitter and quake. One hopes that diamond
cutters, professional golfers and brain surgeons do not suffer from abdabs.
abject - Extremely humiliated or debased; the bottom of the barrel.
The Word is most often used in conjunction with either "failure" or "poverty".
The migrant farmers in Woody Guthrie songs lived in abject poverty.
ablution - A ritual cleansing. This can literally be a bath, or,
more commonly, a spiritual purification. Vestal virgins probably engage in this
kind of activity since they have a lot of time on their hands.
abnegate - To deny oneself something (usually something a little more
serious than giving up chocolate cake). You can abnegate the religion
you were born into for example.
abrogate - verb - to cancel or appeal by authority. esp. a contract.
abscond - verb - to go away hastily and secretly, run away and hide,
esp. in order to escape the law
absinthe - noun - 1) wormwood or its essence 2a) a green, bitter,
toxic liqueur made with wormwood oil and anise: now illegal in most
countries b) a similar drink, as anis or pastis, made with a wormwood
absolution - noun - A release from guilt, sin, or sentence. More
than just forgiveness, absolution implies a kind of freedom from moral
responsibility. To be on the safe side, it is best to avoid acts that
require absolution, since it might not be offered.
babbitt - noun - A reference to the eponymous title of Sinclair Lewis's
best-known novel, the word has come to mean a person who blindly conforms
to middle-class standards. Until recently, a male babbitt always drove a
four-door American car, belonged to the Lions club, wore a dark suit and
went to church every Sunday.
cabal - noun - A group engaged in secret plotting against authority.
A cabal might be a political faction that scorns the government, or a
splinter group of employees dissatisfied with the head of their
department. Often associated with witches.
detritus - Both a literal and figurative way of saying "debris."
Empty soda cans on a beach are detritus; so are street punks who
are looking for trouble.
effluvium - noun - A bad smell, usually invisible, often associated
with waste-treatment facilities. Bad breath qualifies as effluvium.
The smell of apple pie does not.
feckless - adj - 1) weak; ineffective 2) careless; irresponsible.
grimalkin - noun - 1) a cat; esp. an old female cat 2) a
malicious old woman.
hirsute - adj - Hairy. A man in need of a shave is hirsute.
You would not describe a sticky or hairy situation as hirsute.
inimical - adj - Hostile and unfriendly. An inimical rival should
be avoided, not because he is in a class by himself but because he is downright
jape - noun, verb - To joke or to tease; also a taunt, wisecrack,
or practical joke.
kobold - noun - 1) A helpful or mischievous sprite in house holds;
brownie 2) A gnome in mines and other underground places
legerdemain - noun - 1) sleight of hand; tricks of a stage magician
2) trickery of any sort; deceit.
maladroit - adj - awkward; clumsy; bungling;
nepenthe - noun - 1) a drug supposed by the ancient Greeks to cause
forgetfulness of sorrow 2) anything causing such forgetfulness.
obsequious - adj - kowtowing, brown nosing, sucking up, or
flattering for favor, to another person, usually one who is higher
in authority or power.
philipic - noun - a hostile speech that denounces a person or thing
with great bitterness.
quasi - adj - means not what it appears to be. Mostly used in
combination with other words. i.e. His philipic sounded intelligent, but it was
not if you listened closely, therefore it was quasi-intelligent.
opine - verb - to state your opinion.
refulgent - adj - shining; radiant; glowing; resplendent;
sonorous - adj - 1) producing or capable of producing sound, esp
sound of full, deep, or rich quality; resonant 2) full, deep, or rich; said
of sound 3) having a powerful, impressive sound; high sounding.
talaria - noun - winged sandals, or winged ankles such as those
of Mercury.
ululate - verb - To howl or hoot, wail or lament loudly like a
vulpine - adj - Fox-like; Someone who is crafty or sneaky could
be considered to be vulpine.
warison - noun - a note sounded to start an attack, or a battle cry.
Can be used figuratively and literally.
xebec - noun - A three masted sailing ship.
AT-AT - noun - (All Terrain Armored Transport)
The four legged Imperial Walkers from the movie
"The Empire Strikes Back." They were used to attack the Rebels base on the
ice world, and they look like a big mechanical dog.
yantra - noun -a geometrical diagram used like an icon usually in
zealous - adj - Eager and diligently devoted; ardent. A zealous
worker comes in at the crack of dawn and works till the wee hours of the night
to get a job done as thoroughly and perfectly as possible.
egest - verb - to pass off (perspiration, excrement, etc.); excrete;
lapidate - verb - 1) to throw stones at 2) to stone to death
paralogize - verb - to draw illogical conclusions from a series
of facts.
hubris - noun - excessive pride; Proud to a fault; Originates from
mythology said of mortals who challenged the Gods, and or fate. Icarus was
guilty of hubris.
scotch - noun - 1) a whiskey - verb - 2) to wound without killing.
non sequitur - noun - 1) a conclusion or inference which does
not follow from the premesis 2) a remark having no bearing on what has
just been said.
malice - noun - The desire to see a great deal of evil done upon
another. Worse than spite or holding a grudge, malice is serious hatred.
mordant - adj - 1) biting, cutting, caustic, or sarcastic,
as speech, wit etc.
cruor - noun - coagulated blood; gore.
iconoclast - noun - 1) one who destroys religious images or opposes
their veneration 2) one who attacks settled beliefs or institutions.
dearth - noun - scarcity or shortage; Squirrels have a dearth of
nuts by the end of winter.
fatuous - adj - 1) complacently stupid or inane; silly; foolish;
2) like an ignis fatuus; illusory; unreal.
harridan - noun - A bad-tempered old woman; a hag.
somniloquist - noun - One who talks in their sleep.
meretrix - noun - a prostitute.
vapid - adj - 1) tasteless; flavorless; flat. 2) uninteresting;
dull; boring.
prithee - interjection - I pray thee; please.
bantling - noun - a young child; brat: a term of contempt.
falchion - noun - 1) a broad-bladed slightly curved sword of
medieval times. 2) sword.
rectitude - noun - 1) uprightness in principles and conduct. 2)
Freedom from error; correctness of judgment or procedure; propriety; accuracy;
3) Straightness.
ort - noun - a morsel left at a meal ; scrap. Most commonly used
in the plural orts.
kazachok - noun - a vigorous Russian folk dance performed by
a man and characterized by a step in which, from a squatting position,
each leg is alternately kicked out. Plural kazachki
thersitical - adj - loud and abusive.
umbrageous - adj - 1) a: shady. b: filled with shadows 2) inclined
to take offense easily.
wroth - adj - highly incensed; very angry.
odalisque - noun - a female slave or concubine in a harem.
filtrum - noun - The canal that leads from your nose to your mouth.
vesicant - noun/adj - an agent (as a drug or war gas) that
induces blistering.
sough - verb - To make a soft rustling or murmuring sound. - noun -
a soft murmuring or rustling sound, as of the wind or a gentle surf.
quidnunc - noun - a prying or meddlesome person; busybody.
rugose - adj - Having creases or wrinkles.
garth - noun - an enclosed yard or garden.
gardyloo - interjection - a cry warning people below that slops
were about to be thrown from a window onto the street. similar to Fore in golf.
nephogram - noun - a photograph of a cloud.
tiller - noun - a device used to prepare the land for planting.
jeremiad - noun - a long elaborate lamentation or tale of woe.
factotum - noun - An employee with a wide range of duties.
platitude - noun - A trite remark, statement or idea.
decollate - verb - to cut off the head of.
etiolate - verb - to cause to become weakened or sickly; drain of
color or vigor.
wainwright - noun - a maker and repairer of wagons.
chiaroscuro - noun - 1) pictorial representation in terms of light
and shade without regard to color. 2) the arrangement or treatment of light
and dark parts in a pictorial work of art. 3) a 16th century woodcut technique
involving the use of several blocks to print different tones of the same color;
or a print made by this technique
oubliette - noun - a dungeon with an opening only at the top.
onomatopoeia - noun - the formation or use of a word that sounds
like its referent, like buzz or cuckoo.
solipsism - noun - the theory, assumption, or belief that the self
knows and can know nothing but its own modifications and states, and that the
self is the only existent thing. solipsist -noun- solipsistic -adj-
obstreperous - adj - 1) marked by unruly or aggressive noisiness
: clamorous 2) stubbornly defiant: unruly, vociferous.
nidget - noun - Idiot, fool.
pulicide - noun - an agent used for destroying fleas.
torrid - adj - 1a) parched with heat esp. of the sun b) giving off
intense heat: scorching 2) ardent, passionate.
immane - adj - 1) huge 2) monstrous in character.
felicity - noun - 1a) The quality or state or state of being happy;
esp great happiness. b) an instance of happiness 2) something that causes
happiness. 3) a pleasing faculty esp. in art or language: aptness 4) an apt
salacious - adj - 1) arousing or appealing to sexual desire or
imagination: lascivious 2) lecherous, lustful.
curricle - noun - a 2-wheeled chariot ususally drawn by two horses.
moribund - adj - being in the state of dying: approaching death.
paladin - noun - 1) a champion of a medieval prince. 2) an
outstanding protagonist of a cause.
osculate - verb - to kiss.
pulchritude - noun - physical comeliness.
enchiridion - noun - handbook, manual
lyre - noun - a stringed instrument of the harp class used by the
ancient greeks esp. to accompany song and recitation.
limaciform - adj - resembling a slug.
cryophilic - adj - thriving at low temperatures.
coprophagist - noun - dung eater.
chthonic - adj - infernal.
knur - noun - a hard excrescence (as on a tree trunk).
peregrinate - verb - to travel esp. on foot: walk; to walk or
travel over: traverse.
gyve - noun - fetter; shackle. - verb - fetter, shackle.
turpitude - noun - inherent baseness: depravity; a base act.
leman - noun - sweetheart, lover; Mistress.
mystagogue - noun - 1. one who initiates another into a mystery
cult. 2. one who disseminates mystical doctrines.
parsimony - noun - a tendency to be overcareful in spending;
unreasonable economy; stinginess.
biauriculate - adj - having two ears, or earlike parts. Also
- 1) - noun - any of a family (Cardiidae) of marine bivalve mollusk
with two heart-shaped, radially ridged shells.
- 2) - noun - a cockleshell.
- 3) - noun - a wrinkle; pucker
- 4) - verb - to wrinkle; pucker
- 5) - noun - one's deepest feelings or emotions
- 6) - noun - any of various weeds that grow in grainfields, as the corn
pellucid- adj - 1) admitting maximum passage of light without
diffusion or distortion. 2) reflecting light evenly from all surfaces.
3) easy to understand.
vituperate - verb - to abuse or censure severely or abusively : berate;
to use harsh condemnatory language : scold.
castigate - verb - to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism.
hiatus - noun - 1) a break in or as if in a material object: gap.
2) a gap or passage in an anatomical part or organ. 3) a laspe in continiuity.
4) the occurence of two vowel sounds without pause or intervening consonantal
frutescent - adj - having or approaching the habit or appearance
of a shrub: shrubby.
remission - noun - 1 : the act or process of remitting
2 : a state or period during which something is remitted
luciferous - adj - producing light or insight; illuminating.
caducity - noun - The fraility or feebleness of old age; senility.
coquette - noun - A women who teases either sexually or
romantically, often to attract attention from a desire to indulge
her vanity; a flirt.
transmogrify - verb - to alter ones shape or form, usually
into something bizarre or fantastic.
indolent - adj - 1. a) causing little or no pain b) slow to
develop or heal. 2. a) averse to activity: lazy. b) conducing to or
encouraging laziness. c) characterized by indolence.
recidivism - noun - A tendency to lapse into previous
patterns of behavior, especially criminal behaviors.
pettifogger - noun - 1) A petty, quibbling, unscrupulous lawyer.
2) One who argues over trivia.
titubation - noun - The act of stumbling or staggering.
petard - noun - 1) a small bomb, shaped like a bell, used
to breach a gate or wall. 2) A loud firecracker.
palimpsest - noun - 1) a manuscript (usually written on
parchment or papyrus) on which more than one text has been written
with the earlier writing incompletely erased and still visible.
2)An area, place, or object that reflects its history.
castrametation - noun - The art or act of setting up camp or living
in a camp; the making or laying out of a camp.
intrepid - adj. - Courageous; fearless;
acrostic - noun - 1)A poem or series of lines in which certain
letters, usually the first in each line, form a message. 2) a word square,
a square grid that has the same words down as across.
supernal - adj - 1) heavenly;celestial; 2) Of, in, or from the sky;
being in a higher region or place.
pernicious - adj - 1) Tending to cause serious injury or death.
2) Evil or wicked (archaic usage).
acrotomophilia - noun - a sexual attraction to amputees.
diadem - noun - 1) A crown, tiara, or ornamental headdress that
signifies sovereignty. - verb - 2) to adorn with or as if with a
crown. to crown.
graylag - noun - A wild, common, European gray goose.
Also greylag.
misocapnist - noun - One who hates tobacco smoke.
fetor - noun - A foul odor; a stench.
omphaloskepsis - noun - contemplation of ones belly button.
pauciloquy - noun - Brevity in speech.
caliginous - adj - gloomy, dark, and misty.
lipogram - noun - Any writing that does not contain a certain
letter or letters; Such as a novel written entirely without the letter 'e'.
aglet - noun - the metal or plastic tag at the end of a lace,
intended to make it easier to thread through holes.
bastion - noun - 1. projecting piece of a fortification or rampart.
2. A position that is well protected. 3. A person or thing that is considered
the same as a stronghold.
jentacular - adj - of or belonging to breakfast.
panesthesia - noun - The entire sum of the perceptions of a
person at a given time.
death - noun - the end of life; the act of dying.
griggish - adj - merry.
lugubrious - adj - of, expressing, or causing mourning; mournful.
petrichor - noun - The pleasant smell that accompanies the first rain after a dry spell.
[From petro- (rock), from Greek petros (stone) + ichor (the fluid that is
supposed to flow in the veins of the gods in Greek mythology). Coined by
researchers I.J. Bear and R.G. Thomas.]
"Petrichor, the name for the smell of rain on dry ground, is from oils
given off by vegetation, absorbed onto neighboring surfaces, and
released into the air after a first rain."
Matthew Bettelheim; Nature's Laboratory; Shasta Parent (Mt Shasta,
California); Jan 2002.
nonplussed - adj - confused or bewildered, often to the point of inaction
discombobulated - adj - to be upset or confused.
pangram - noun - a sentence containing all the letters of the alphabet.
cacopygian - adj - having ugly buttocks (c.f. callipygian).
lustrate - verb - to purify through ritual or ceremony.
prandial - adj - of or relating to a meal usually dinner.
chrestomathy - noun - anthology of literary passages, usually from one author, from a foreign langauge. Typically used to study the foreign language.
amanuensis - noun - A person who takes dictation or hand copies an existing text. The plural form is amanuenses. The more modern name for a similar role is secretary.
lipopygian - adj - having fat buttocks; fat assed.
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